
Even as neophyte Motif Contracting, founded in 2015, has rooted its feet as industry leader by providing technical, logistical and operational support to not just the local business but also the international clients working in the UAE. Motif has already earned a position of excellence based on its presence and performance. Apart from its private clients, Motif has offered a broad range of services to government, multi-national corporations and international aid agencies. Motif lays its core business focused on the following activities:

  • Operation & Maintenance
  • Life Support & Food Service
  • Vehicle Leasing & Maintenance
  • Logistics
  • Construction
  • Sponsorship & Manpower Supply
  • Information Technology
  • General Trading

Motif possess not just the resources, but also the experience through successful past performances to render its customers with exceeding expectation work output. The Motif team is well positioned to support for assigned tasks or short notice tasks, work design schedules, and the management of simultaneous projects. Our track record guarantees minimum risk based on our experience-based performance. We take pride in our work and pleasure in associating with new clients to perform as a key element of their team.